Orange Grove Primary School is a feeder school for Alexandra and surrounding areas and there are often over 45 children in a class.
This centre is in its sixth year of existence and we read with 78 Grade 2 children, each of whom has two sessions of reading on a one on one basis each week.

Quote from a child being read to by a volunteer at Orange Grove:
“My wish is that when I’m grown up, I will be able to read and then come and teach children how to read, just like you do!”

It is a privilege to step into the world of these young learners. Their enthusiasm and passion to read has surpassed all our expectations and it’s so fulfilling to watch them blossom and develop into fluent readers.

This centre offers both Literacy and Numeracy support.

Location Map

Centre Details

Physical Address: Pembroke St, Sydenham

Centre Managers:

Mickie Mayer

Robynne Abrahams

Numeracy Manager: Sara Llewellyn

Assistant Numeracy Managers: 

Mondays and Wednesdays:  Alexa Gerfen


Operating Times


Tuesdays 10h30 – 12h45

Thursdays 10h30 – 12h45


Mondays and Wednesdays 10h15 – 12h15