Give a Child The Gift Of Literacy and Numeracy

Give a Child The Gift Of Literacy and Numeracy


The literacy training takes approximately 2 hours and introduces one to the methodologies used by The Link and explains how the lessons are structured.

NEXT TRAINING DATE: Fri, 12 July 2024 (*TBC), 9:30-11:30


The numeracy training takes 2 hours and enables the volunteers to help the children work fluently and flexibly with numbers and number concepts.

NEXT TRAINING DATE: Fri, 12 July 2024 (*TBC), 9:30-11:30


If you are interested in attending one of our training sessions, please complete the fields below.

Final details to follow upon registration.

    Full Name *

    Email Address *

    Contact Number *

    What type of training are you interested in? *

    Are you a New or Existing Volunteer? *

    Which centre would you like to volunteer at (new) or do you currently serve at (existing)? *